Acquisition of Clan Reputation Score
1. when a new clan member completes the second class transfer throught an academy,a base 150 points are awarded to clan's reputation score.Depending on the
new clan members lvl at the time of joining the academy up to 400 points may be added
2. When a clan conquers a castle during a siege war,100 poins are deducted from the defending clan's reputation score.(If the Defending site is an npc,100 points are added to the victirius clan score...
3. If The capturing clan occupies the castle for 2 weeks 500 pints are added
4. When a clan acquires a new-combat type clan hall,300 points are deducted from the defeated clan's reputation score.
5. if the capturing clan occupies the combat-type clan hall for 2 weeks 150 points are added.
6. If a clan member is a member of a hightest-ranked party in the Festical of Darkness,100 points are added per member..
7. If a clan member becomes a hero,1000 points are added per hero..
8. A clan's reputation score can be raised throught certain clan quest
9. When the clan members kill members of an opposing clan during a clan war or siege war 1 point is deducted from the defeated clan's reputation score for each member killed.
Loss Of Clan reputation Score
1. If a clan unsuccessfully defends a castle,2000 points are deducted from its reputation score
2. If a clan loses a combat-type clan hall to another clan,600 points are deducted.
3. If a clan member are killed by an opposing clan during a clan war or siege war,1 point is deducted from the defeated clan's reputation score for each member killed
4. The reputation score is also reduced when the clan raises a lvl acquires new clan skills or purchases items using its reputation score
*No clan below lvl 5 or having a reputation score below 0 can lose additional points